Friday 18 May 2012


Ok I'm just saying what everyone is thinking but no one wants to say it.

The Uranium that went missing in Asia and the radiation signature on the body are connected. Methias is importing it here.

And it should have been a lot.

Sunday 13 May 2012


Almost finished collecting the devices connected to the power grid of the 32 cities. They were all spread out over England - so randomly placed. I dropped off most of them to the engineering lab in Nine. Julian said he'd look at it, but Arthur and Wedge were going to help him - since Arthur works with computing and technology, it was only fair to let him look, even if it was unlikely that he could work them out. But it was great to see Wedge for her Beginday.

Coming home soon.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Back and Gone

Back now in England now, however just as I arrived I ended up having to leave again to investigate the power grid of each of the 32 cities that blacked out a couple of days ago. I wasn't going to look at them all but once I found a remote controlled device integrated in the circuit, I realized I had to go remove them all.

Alastor out.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Coming Soon

So things are still a little tough for Wedge. I remember spending a great portion of time with her in my embrace, almost crying.

But we're almost ready to head back. I've done most of the organisation for her to leave without suspicion. She didn't want to pretend to be dead, so that left me in a position of a little more work. But it's all sorted now. She just has to say goodbye tomorrow and then we'll be off.

I think she'll be fine upon arrival.

Thursday 3 May 2012


I'm Alastor. No last name, but I try hard to seem to not exist so some know me as Alastor Shadow.

Not a blogger myself. Just here to keep an eye on a friend.